Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Stories of #Heroism in Total #Recovery, by #Princess #Leia #Lucas®

           Stories of #Heroism 

            In Total #Recovery!

Sep. 2018-2022, regular updates:
  -  Do you know that: if you suffer from #trauma, and parts of your #brain functionality and #memory were broken, chances are you won’t #remember, or have any idea?    
This happens to all kinds of people, (1 in 4 people are known to be trauma survivors),  unfortunately, all the time. Imagine living what you believe is a “normal” everyday life, with clear memories from every age. But, over the years you discover odd little things about yourself. Maybe you have trouble with stress, or organizing things, or deciding what to do first, or getting things done, or earning money, or maintaining relationships. Maybe you just feel kind of stuck, or tired all the time, or you always work too hard. Maybe you just feel kind of separate from others. Then you notice some strange thoughts, words, images and feelings that pop up, and make no sense at all. So, you chastise your imagination for being on over-drive. Has this ever happened to you?

Anatomy of #Memory #Recovery
– One day…a new thought trickles in. What if this crazy stuff I keep experiencing, which just never seems to go away – has some truth in it? WHAT?! How can that be?! So, you check the facts, and learn that your memory has a surprising amount of accuracy, even if things get a little out of order, or details get somewhat confused. Now you decide to take a chance…- and trust yourself. Maybe you write things down.  And right then, do  you know what happens? You get a rush of information. Maybe it’s just bits and pieces -that feel like they happened to someone else. Only they didn’t. Our brains store trauma experiences in an entirely different way from other types of memories. And then ZAP!  The door finally opens, and you realize there were/are other parts to your life! Your sense of #reality #shifts, globally, and permanently. And it can turns out that you only knew a portion of your real self. Well, that’s what happened to Princess Leia Lucas®.
In my case, I was able to test my DNA and trace my ancestry to learn the truth. Okay. Now, in addition to accepting yourself, you have to get everyone close to you to accept the different and real you. None of us can do all of this recovery work by ourselves, which is why we have opened the 6/six, #Princess #Leia Lucas® Foundations – for friendship, support, training, and publishing. We're even #U.S. and #International Press Agents, with many websites and everyday viewers. Our other  Foundations are: #IFNBT, #RIGHTS Commissions, #FOSTER, and #Life #Force #Recovery. Google says we average about 9 million regular hits a day, (and a lot more unique hits).  
Would you like to help other people recovering from traumas ?  ME TOO!   Most of us really want to be there for each other, whether we know our whole truth yet, or not. And, we want to record the stories of heroes we’ve known, respected and cared for, who’ve changed our lives, while helping so many others.  SEND US YOUR STORY . 750 Alma Lane, #8231, Foster City, CA 94404
  PrincessLeiaLucas at Comcast dot net. and   1-650-349 and 8384 in California, USA. 
Would you like to hear more about my story? Let me know!.
-POTS of LEIA LOVE (I'm a PLL!) to YOU.

                    Together we  are one. The Force is YOU ©

Copyright 2018-2021, Princess Leia Lucas® Foundations, all rights reserved, for all of us.